Perfect combination for fall season!
Combines all the flavors. Salty, sweet, spicy and sour.
*Persimmon 1 pcs ,Clementine 3 pcs
*Fennel 1 pcs ,Red onion 1 pcs
*Lemon 1 pcs, Red chicory salad 1 small pcs
*Isot chillie pepper 2 tsp ,Voatsiperifery pepper 1 tsp
*Pink salt 2 tsp, Olive oil 5 tbsp
*Pumpkin seeds 2 tbsp
Cut onions into rings. Marinate with salt, Isot chillie, lemon juice. Drizzle with small amount of oil.
Cut fruits and fennel into circles.
Combine with onions.
Tear chicory salad with hands, mix all ingredients together. Add pumpkin seeds and all the seasonings.
Enjoy the texture !